BlueCross BlueShield Addiction Treatment

BlueCross BlueShield
Insurance Coverage

Of the tens of millions of Americans who struggle with addiction every day, it is a sad fact that the vast majority will not get the help they need. There are many reasons that this is the case. In some instances, they are not convinced that they need treatment. In others, they do not feel that they can take time away from the responsibilities of work and family to get treatment. One of the most commonly cited reasons for not going to rehab, however, is the perception that they will not be able to afford it.

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By: Renaissance Recovery

Clinically Reviewed by: Diana Vo, LMFT

Last Updated:


A top-quality addiction recovery center like Renaissance Recovery will make sure to give you the tools you need to achieve genuine, long-term recovery and will do so on your terms and in your own time. As lovely as it would be to be able to focus exclusively on what matters most — your healing — some practical matters must be attended to. Paying for rehab, for instance, can be tricky. BlueCross BlueShield rehab insurance coverage may pay for a significant portion of the cost of your treatment, however. And the team at Renaissance is here to help you determine if this is the case for you.

BCBS insurance

Table of Contents

Insurance Verification

Will BlueCross BlueShield Rehab Insurance Coverage Pay for Your Treatment?

Paying for addiction treatment, however, does not need to be all that difficult. BlueCross BlueShield rehab insurance coverage is one of the most sought after providers for individuals and families across the U.S., and this is especially true when it comes to rehab. The programs available vary depending upon the policy, but a wide range of treatment options are covered.

an image of a bluecross blueshield building

This is in part because of state and federal legislation that has been passed over the course of the last few years that states essentially that addiction must be classified as a chronic disease. In other words, insurance providers must cover it just as they would cover any other chronic illness. There are, of course, still co-pays and related expenses, depending upon your coverage, but BlueCross BlueShield may cover a good deal of your treatment.

At Renaissance Recovery, we work closely with BlueCross BlueShield to help ensure that you get the addiction recovery support you need with the least out-of-pocket cost to you. During the Renaissance admissions process, our experienced intake team will walk you through every step of the BlueCross BlueShield insurance verification process. This will allow you to see what is and is not covered by your plan. It is important to note that you may be eligible for individualize BlueCross BlueShield rehab insurance coverage if you are struggling with an opioid use disorder. Our team can help you determine if this is the case. 

BlueCross BlueShield Alcohol Rehab Insurance Coverage as a Path to Sobriety

A premier addiction treatment center like Renaissance Recovery will make a point of tailoring the treatment program to meet the many unique needs of the individual patient. There are, after all, as many ways to approach and treat substance use problems as there are people struggling with them. For this reason, you may be interested to learn that BlueCross BlueShield rehab insurance coverage can provide different levels of assistance depending upon the severity of your addiction, the specific treatment modalities employed, and several other factors.

Among the different levels of care that your BlueCross BlueShield rehab insurance coverage may cover are:

Many of these programs are meant to work in succession as you move from detox to outpatient care and eventually aftercare.

BCBS Alcohol Rehab

If you have BlueCross BlueShield and are looking for help for yourself or your loved one for an alcohol addiction problem, there are a number of treatment options that can help you.

Renaissance Recovery is one treatment program that offers Anthem Blue Cross PPO coverage in California for alcohol rehab.

During our treatment program, clients will have access to numerous addiction experts and evidence-based treatment modalities. Some of the common features of treatment for an alcohol addiction (or drug addiction) include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Medication-assisted treatment
  • Dialectical behavior therapy
  • Dual diagnosis treatment
  • Adventure rehab and more
 To learn more about more specifics of treatment, contact our team and get a better idea of what you might be able to expect.

Anthem BlueCross Drug Rehab Coverage

If you are looking into how to pay for rehab, you have already made an important first step on the road to recovery.

To learn more about what BlueCross BlueShield rehab insurance coverage can do to help you on this journey, reach out to Renaissance Recovery online today or call 866.268.1206.

Rehabilitation can put an end to addiction

Call and ask the facility directly or call your own provider to determine if your insurance covers the treatment.

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