
News Coverage and Press Releases


Renaissance Recovery’s Program Director comments on the benefits sobriety has on one’s skin

Learn about the benefits sobriety has on one’s complexion.“There’s no magic amount of time that people will start to see effects after they cut out alcohol—it varies from person to person. While some people will notice a difference after a week, for others, it can take up to a month.” 

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Renaissance Recovery CEO comments on pressures mother’s face and mom wine culture

Learn about how mom wine culture can be detrimental for women.“The culture surrounding the idea that mothers need wine to get through motherhood can lead to avoidance behavior or using unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with the stress and anxiety that comes with motherhood.” 

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Renaissance Recovery CEO comments on the difficulties of finding a job after addiction treatment 

Learn about the common problems people in recovery face when searching for a new job. “People are hesitant to hire those who have been through treatment,” Renaissance Recovery CEO Kevin Cataldi told Newsweek. “Whether it is because they are afraid they might relapse and lose an employee, or they are worried by the stigma of addiction in general, people can definitely be overlooked.”


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Renaissance Recovery Fighting Addiction After COVID-19

Learn about how Virtual IOP has saved countless lives during COVID-19. “So, while the pandemic may have contributed to a substantial increase in addiction in the United States, there has never been a better time to engage with treatment at whatever level of intensity is needed, whether face-to-face or virtual in terms of delivery.

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Signs an Alcoholic is Drinking Again

Caitlin Garcia, our program director here at Renaissance, took some time to how social withdrawal may be a strong sign of relapse. “Oftentimes, when people relapse on alcohol or other substances they will ignore nearly every other facet of their lives as they feed their addiction.”

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Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a Tool for Depression

Our clinical director, Diana Vo, offers some insight and information on how cognitive behavioral therapy can provide help for those dealing with depression. “MBCT for depression is ideal because the recurrence of depressive episodes is often caused by specific thought patterns or “thinking traps.”

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